this challenge is here to teach me something

Saturday, October 21, 2023


I am in charge of how I respond.


And all I need to do is take one step at a time, breathe, and do the next right thing.


This life has never been easy nor fair nor perfect, in my experience on this planet.  


I'm not saying that we all shouldn't try and work towards making life for all of us more fair and more just....I believe that we each can take steps towards that and that we each should do so.


However, life is not easy on this planet and is far from perfect.  I remember telling my kids as they were growing up and especially as they were growing through their teen and young adult years, "Be intentional.  Have goals.  Make plans and work (hard) towards the achievement of those plans and goals. not be disheartened when they do not work out as you'd hoped and planned.  Life is like that.  While you are in control of what you you think and how you are NOT in control of many, many other things and you are especially NOT in control of others and how they think and their actions.  Sooooo DO NOT get all rattled and shaken up when your ideas, objectives, plans are interrupted or diverted.  Just stay calm and keep right on going.  Adapt.  Adjust.  Re-think.  Keep trying.  Try something else.  Dig deep.  Be creative.  Just keep going.  Life is like that."


And there are blessings and lessons in all of it!!!



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