always the right choice

June 13, 2023

1:30 pm


Dr. Serrano’s office called…Jaimie.  She was very nice and it felt nice to be checked in on.  Also spoke with….Olivia….at Dr. Acoba’s office.  Also very nice.  


I’ve decided I should keep a log of it all.


But first…..swim time….


7:47 pm



My first swim in 12 days....

Wow! Felt f@#$%^g fantastic!

3500 short-course yards...

A 2-mile swim and I could have kept going....

Feeling sooooo great and soooo grateful!!

That felt fucking fantastic!

I’m never going to say, “Wish I didn’t swim.”

Swimming is always the right choice!!!

Two miles!!

Woo hoo!!


Spent time with Laura and Ead after the swim.  Had a Teddy’s burger while Laura had a wrap from Down to Earth.  


More phone calls, more appointments….

I have to document and keep track of it all…

It’s a lot!



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