cancer my ass

Tuesday, October 24, 2023


Ahhh......on a lovely morning....



100 scy's warm-up breast

2500 scy's free (55 minutes)

2000 lcm's free (55 minutes)

200 lcm's cool-down breast & free


Cancer my ass....


I honestly do not have words to express how swimming makes me feel! words really express or describe the feeling....


I'm driven from within...Jesus in me (Col. 1:27)...

Yes, I have to...and I do...take the action, but from within....Jesus is driving....I'm nothing but grateful...

Something else that does...motivate me, I that my heart and lungs feel so strong and I just never want them to not feel strong, especially now.  


I know that one day...not today! body...but never my spirit!...will give out, will die...but never my spirit!  


Thank You, Jesus, for the ability, the opportunity, and the where-with-all to swim swim swim...every day....


I fully intend to swim for the rest of my days, even on my last day on this planet!



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