music to my ears

Friday, November 3, 2023


Oh my! An incredibly beautiful morning!

Yes, another one....seriously, the "best weather on the planet" according to meteorologist Guy Hagi, and natural beauty all around....


This shama bird sings to me a lovely song every morning...once you hear the shama bird sing, you will always recognize this bird's's just that unique and lovely...


Stoked this morning!

"Preliminary" test results indicate the cancer in both locations in my body is shrinking ..and significantly!

Dr. Louie is irritating!  But, anyways....


Thank You, Jesus, for having the ability, the authority, and the WILLINGNESS to heal me (Matthew 8:2-3)


Temps in the 70's overnight cooled the pool to a perfect temperature....perfect....


100 scy's breast warm-up

3000 scy's free

100 scy's breast cool-down


I wanted to swim more, but off to treatment and happy and grateful to go! 

Doing this!


Feeling really great and really, really grateful.


I think....that...I exhaled....for the first time in months....


I've done well, I think, all things considered....but until I heard that news, there it was, all the time....the....very real reality that my body might fail far earlier than I'd ever thought.  Ever since I was a small child, I always thought...believed...that 100 is a nice, round, even number too which to live on this planet.  I just always thought that; I always BELIEVED that.  Just always did.  When I heard my diagnosis...and Dr. Schoppy's tone....well, I thought....for a moment....OK, this is how it's gonna go, this is gonna be it.


But....I....would not allow that thought to take hold; I refused to give that thought, those thoughts, ANY of my time or energy.  I prayed.  A lot.  More...I believed...I believe.  God has a good, not evil, and perfect plan for me, my life....and I'm not...I knew and I know...I'm not done...God is not done with me...YET.  


I did....I am doing...every single thing that I can....within the realm of my own humanity...and mentality...and live and to thrive, and I will continue to do so until the moment that God says, "No more, come to Me."


I do not think that I am "out of the woods"....yet.  I do not.  The cancer has shrunk, but it is still there and so long as it is the lymph node in my neck and in my lung....I cannot rest easy or let up in what I have been doing.  I can't take this for all.  


I'm afraid to do take it for that....


No, it is still there...inside of me....I cannot let my guard down at all.  I must still practice my "visualization therapy" and I must still talk to Jesus....I'm not having enough quiet, alone time these days.  I am very, very happy and grateful that I can help Laura and Ead...of course...but...


I am aware that I NEED more time to "be still and know that He is God"...meandering the beach....swimming in the sea....praying...sitting...being still...feeding crabs at the 'ae kai


Not enough of that these days....


Thinking/planning/praying about returning to work in some capacity...I need to.  


But, first....


Sleep...put it all to rest...tomorrow is another day and I will do the next right thing in the morning when I wake...I will nourish my body and I may....


I have plenty of things to tend to, take care of....


I'll just continue to do....the next right thing, and then the next right thing, and then....


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