sometimes the light's all shining on me

Tuesday, October 31, 2023


"Sometimes the light's all shining on me

Other times I can barely see

Lately it occurs to me

What a long strange trip it's been"


--Grateful Dead


Song in my head as I was swimming today....


On incredibly gorgeous day!


The sun's all shining on me today!

Sunshine, 84 degrees, a light trade breeze cooling my back;

Water a very comfy 80 degrees...

Perfect weather/swimming/pool conditions!


Thankfully, I am coming out of the fogged/fatigued/down cycle....

On the way up and feeling mucho mejor!!!


100 scy's breast warm-up

3500 scy's freeeeee

100 scy's breast cool-down


A very strong swim which felt absolutely great.....not as quick as I once was/would like to be again....40 minute miles....once upon a time was at 35 minutes/mile....


However.....swimming with cancer! Stage my lung...I'll take it!!!


I am believing this week's tests will reveal that the immunotherapy is working really well on both cancer locations: in my lymph node in my neck (the tumor has shrunk to almost nothing) and in my lung. I believe...


I am a believer and a warrior...not a worrier...

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