just to be alive

Wednesday, November 22, 2023


This picture doesn't really show it, but there was a fair amount of sunshine today....

One cheek was cooled by the water and the other was warmed by the sun on my face as I gulped fresh air...the delight of that did not elude me....

Glassy pool as I alone swam long course for the first thousand meters ....


100 scy's breast warm-up

2600 scy's free (60 min)

2400 lcm's free (65 min)

200 lcm's breast cool-down


A good long swim....I felt a little bit sore-throaty when I woke up this morning (hoping I hadn't caught the cold that both Dagan and Laura had had) but I....wanted...needed...to swim....


The short course was...my body felt heavy and slow...

The long course...my body felt light and great....


In other words, always the right decision; I will never say, "That was stupid.  Wish I didn't swim today."  Never.  Always the right decision.


Today's swim song:  Alive by The Green


Take a look at the pouring rain,
Last time it rained for forty days
Take a look at the sun that shines
Painting colors of ribbons in the sky
Take a look out your window
And take a look at how the green grass grows
I can feel it on the inside
I give thanks and praise to be alive

Together we can make some memories
And help love grow and live eternally
And spread this word over both land and sea
And help each other on this long hard journey

Ever since I was a young little boy
All I needed was my families and toys
And learning how to count from one to ten
I said my ABC's and do it all again
And I learned how to walk,
And I learned how to talk.
And I learned that love is what life costs
And it still amazes me when I look down at a keiki
And see all the things they learn from you and me

Together we can make some memories
And help love grow and live eternally
And spread this word over both land and sea
And help each other on this long hard journey

Show me the way, Teach me the part
Help me find a way back to your mind and your heart
Keep me alive and I'll keep you well
Share a little water from your bucket to my well.

Together we can make some memories
And help love grow and live eternally
And spread this word over both land and sea
And help each other on this long hard journey

Show me the way teach me the part
Help me find a way back to your mind and your heart
Keep me alive and I'll keep you well
Share a little water from your bucket to my well.


Songwriters: Jorge Mejia


Just to be alive....


Laura and I, with Ead Aki, stopped at a couple of stores to finish up our shopping for our Thanksgiving dinner, and then we prepped some of our dishes.  Laura made her wonderful cranberry sauce and I peeled and cubed potatoes.  


We drove to the park for some play time with Ead, but the rain apparently followed us; we drove to the trail, but the rain followed us there, too!


We had a little pre-Thanksgiving dinner together:  baked sweet potatoes (mine with sea salt and butter and hers with sour cream and chives), cranberry sauce (we had to try it out, didn't we?), and sweet bread rolls.  Yum yum.


Ead Aki entertained us with his agile climbing and shrieking with delight...oh my!


In the bathtub, Kona perched with his front paws on the edge of the tub and Ead leaned in to kiss him on his nose...


Precious moments...sweet life...just to be alive....


Very thankful for my many blessings....people whom I love and who love me...

Family, close friends, acquaintances, neighbors, fellow swimmers, lifeguards...

Jesus living in me (Col. 1:27)


Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone.

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