
Friday, November 24, 2023


Wow.....what a beautiful morning!

Sun-splashed pool....light wind....moderated pool temp....

Cool & comfy....


100 scy's breast warm-up

3000 scy's free (65 minutes)

100 scy's breast cool-down


Then I rode to Kalamas for some beach time with my almost-10-year-old student of four years who has become my buddy...his family, my ohana.....jumping waves and body surfing....I was delighted to discover that he loves the water as much as I do!  And is also very comfortable and competent in the water!


The water was a bit not clear, I imagine from all the rain we've had, but the sun was shining and the waves were fun-sized!  Kohga was....enthusiastic!!  We played, diving under or jumping over the waves as they continuously rolled towards us.....each of us yelling out, "Over!" or "Under!" and sometimes we both dove under and sometimes we both jumped over and sometimes one of us dove and one of us jumped, and we shrieked and laughed the entire time.  It was as if I was an almost-10-year-old student again, too!


A blessed time that I will never, ever forget with my forever friend, Kohga.  


After we'd been in the water for nearly an hour, Kohga's dad called us out; they had to get to Kohga's soccer game in Waipahu and we had to say "a hui hou"....til next time...I hugged my friend and said, "I love ya, Dude." 


I got on my bike and rode on Kalaheo to Kaha; I hadn't ridden on Kaha in quite some is a quaint street and I spotted and stopped in front of a "Little Free Library" and chose two books, one for me and one for Ead Aki.


At home, opened the gift from Sawako, a lovely, lovely pottery dish....texted her a thank-you....showered....


And Laura picked me up for my 2 pm IV infusion treatment; we'd planned on playing at our favorite little park, across from the hospital, afterwards, but rain had rolled in so she brought me straight home, where I've been resting and relaxing and reflecting....


This morning, while I was prepping (stretching and applying vaseline to my legs and feet), I came across a Ted Talk video featuring Brene Brown.  I'd heard of her, read quotes of hers, but I didn't really know who she is.....I was...she was....easy to listen to...a little bit funny....very approachable and relatable....


Her topic was vulnerability....according to Merriam-Webster, the word vulnerable is an adjective which means open to attack or damage, or capable of being emotionally or physically wounded....vulnerability is the quality or state of having little resistance to some outside agent.  


So just pondering....that....a bit....and how it relates to what I am currently working my way through...processing...


What can make you feel more vulnerable than being diagnosed, all of a sudden when you've had no symptoms of being sick at all, with Stage Four malignant cancer?


I guess, as a child I felt very vulnerable...very world felt very unstable....


As an adult, I know that the world not only feels unstable, it IS unstable...unpredictable...perilous...not every single moment, but it is.....bad things, sad things, tragic things....happen every single every one...every where....


The nature of life on this planet....


Even the Bible says it's so....


It was an interesting not feel vulnerable, anymore, not in the sense of....


I mean, I'm human, of course....but my humanity....I was God....and I decided...I put my TRUST in Him.  This chapter has only served to remind trust in faith in Him....that I belong to Him and that He is IN me....


And so....I will shelve was an interesting do not feel vulnerable...I'm not in denial about it...I'm just not feeling that.


Life is sweet and I am nothing but grateful.

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